Suceava | Romania
Leisure activities in the newest recreational area on Suceava River Banks
The municipality of Suceava has set up a recreation area on the right bank of the Suceava river. To improve the quality of life, a determining factor is the revitalization of urban public spaces that directly influence the development of social, cultural and economic activities. In order to create conditions aligned with European standards, it is proposed to revitalize the urban public space, namely a land area of 155,560 square meters, located on the right bank, downstream, of the Suceava river on one side and on the other of the road bridge over the Suceava river, through its adequate arrangement according to the rules in force, including leveling works, sanitation, works that fight weeds and destroy possible outbreaks of diseases and pests; soil works in order to create an environment as favorable as possible for the growth and development of vegetation/lawn; pedestrian walkways; tracks for cyclists; lighting systems through recessed/architectural spotlights; underground irrigation systems; Wi-Fi systems; signaling works in the minor bed up to the dike; arrangement of access roads in the studied areas; setting up spaces suitable for outdoor sports; tree planting (after the dike area); urban furniture equipment. During the pandemic period, young people gathered in groups and participated in various outdoor activities, so that the state of anxiety, depression, stress, and the feeling of loneliness were prevented. Young people socialized and created various interactive activities.
The project was finalized in the pandemic times and the main objective was the reconversion and re-functionalization of a degraded land in the municipality of Suceava in order to improve, revitalize, reduce air pollution and promote noise reduction measures in the urban environment so that citizens have a specially designed space for carrying out activities for the benefit of health and recreation. Taking into consideration the difficult time the inhabitants and especially youngsters were facing, the municipality decided to use the open air space for conducting a series of leisure activities for the community. Thus, area “A”, upstream from the bridge on Calea Unirii, is intended for sports activities, and area “B”, downstream, has a “leisure character”, i.e. relaxation, outdoor recreation and activities cultural.In area “A” you can find: the platform for aerobics (yoga) and the one for fitness, the playground for children, tennis, volleyball and badminton courts. Zone “B”, for events, includes a space for organizing cultural and artistic events.
Trainers initiate sports activities at the recreation area on the banks of the Suceava river, and the community is invited to participate in order to get out of the comfort zone.An appreciated result is that young people also meet in the area and participate in cultural activities, reading outdoors, drawing, meditations.
The young people learned to work in a team, to organize various age-specific activities and to adapt to any negative situation that arose in the community. Such practices were highlighted by organizing sports competitions: volleyball (Suceava County Youth Foundation), foot volleyball, green grass chess, field tennis training, and badminton. The importance of space in outdoor activities plays an essential role in the lives of young people by organizing poetry recitals in the shade of the oak (quercus sp.), various trainers who organize sports activities (yoga, kangoo jumps, fitness). Another aspect highlighted is that young people encourage their own siblings to participate in socializing activities with other children/young people of a similar age and personal development activities. Great emphasis has been placed on preventing excessive use of electronic devices.
The recreational area on the banks of the river Suceava – the newest investment completed in the fall of 2021 by the municipality of Suceava, financed by European funds, represented a major importance for the community, especially for the leisure activities that can be organized for youngsters. To take it forward, Suceava Municipality initiated steps for the development of two forest-parks in the municipality of Suceava, namely Șipote Park and Zamca Forest. In agreement with the presented ones, it is observed that Suceava Municipality has a lot of small parks and it is mandatory to create other generous open spaces for the inhabitants of the city.
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Leisure activities
The recreational area on the banks of the river Suceava - the newest investment completed in the fall of 2021 by the municipality of Suceava, financed by European funds, represented a major importance for the community, especially for the leisure activities that can be organized for youngsters. To take it forward, Suceava Municipality initiated steps for the development of two forest-parks in the municipality of Suceava, namely Șipote Park and Zamca Forest.
Good practices

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Volunteerism in Athienou is one of the biggest and most effective activity that helps strengthen the social ties and creates a healthy and highly functioning society. Individuals of all ages are excited to participate and offer their time and resources towards their fellow in need. The spirit of volunteerism exists in most families and it is passed from generation to generation contributing to the healthy evolution of the society ...

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Leisure activities in Suceava
The recreational area on the banks of the river Suceava - the newest investment completed in the fall of 2021 by the municipality of Suceava, financed by European funds, represented a major importance for the community, especially for the leisure activities that can be organized for youngsters. To take it forward, Suceava Municipality initiated steps for the development of two forest-parks in ...