Re-Act Closing Ceremonies (Work Package 7)


Garcia Alix

We attended the development of the Conference corresponding to the 7th phase of work, which will be held on February 14, 15 and 16, 2024 in the city of Seligenstadt (Germany). This is a transnational meeting between all the partners of the Re-Act Project to share the dissemination actions of the project and its conclusions, as well as future collaborations.

This meeting is organized by the organization “Pro Arbeit – Kreis Offenbach – (AöR) Kommunales Jobcenter” (Germany), and is a meeting of technicians, representatives and participants to formalize the steps and agreements already reached.

The meeting was also attended by Ms. Sofía López-Briones, Councilwoman for Young Talent and Public Spaces, who spoke at the closing of the project.

The Murcia team makes a presentation of the dissemination actions of the project, as well as a summary of the project through all its phases, thus finalizing the project.

We share some photos of the last meeting held on December 1st in the city of Murcia, coinciding with Work Package number 6.

Teatro Romea, Murcia


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